Thursday, January 15, 2009


This is a loaded question, don't you think?  We do not "find" time, we make time for the things we care about.

Some of you know I am a proponent of  "The Fifteen Minute Method" in which you work 15 minutes a day on something you are trying to finish, to accomplish, to get rid of, or dying to start, and so forth.  You can think, 15 minutes out of 24 hours is not going to kill you.  You can exercise for 15 minutes, study something for 15 minutes, not a big deal. This works.

As I write, one of my kitchens is being torn apart. Preparation for this event threw a big monkey wrench into my daily routine, and of course, frustrations set in because my time was consumed by packing up, cleaning and throwing out (not a bad idea) and the rest of my ongoing activities were sliding by, undone, unpracticed, unfinished.

I rethought my Fifteen Minute Method considering the current circumstances by choosing 4 activities that are important to me and assigning 30 minutes a day to each one.  Then I made a grid of 4 blocks to fill in as I completed each 30 minutes.

Here are the activities, listed not in order of importance.  They are all important to my daily life, my sense of well being, my sense of self.  Piano Practice; Writing; Drawing; Exercise. You can see that there is nothing about cleaning house or making money or using Facebook or shopping for groceries.
This first week was a revelation. 

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